Tuesday, November 21, 2006

catching up

Yes, it has been a million years since I last posted. Mostly my life hasn't been interesting enough to post about/ I have been crazy busy for the last three months. I had to max out my credits this semester and as a result, I have been endlessly frazzled and stressed.

To sum up thus far:
-My second roommate is a horrible person to live with, and we have recently discovered that she is not only smoking pot in my appartment but doing harder drugs as well, and somehow, even though everyone knows this about her, we are finding it very difficult to get her out of the apartment.

-I have struggled through nearly an entire semester of beginning chemistry with a charming Indian/Canadian/American man and may even pass.

-I nearly broke up with my significant other but desided to stick with it, for now, and continue to think things through.

-I had my wisdom teeth taken out which resulted in a surprising amount of swelling and pain, and have discovered, much to my surprise, that few of my friends cared enough about this to even call me. I did receive a visit (and two phone calls) from Amanda, proving that she is probably one of the best friends I will ever have. I haven't heard from Elizabeth in two days, and Kris forgot about me as soon as I told her I couldn't go to a party on Saturday.

I got a medicated thingie put in my dry socket today.

I've been trying to get my Christmas shopping done in great part but so far I've only gotten some minor things... I have a few ideas for Mom this year, and am wondering if my siblings would like to take part... Maybe I'll send out an email about that.

Randy has had me babysitting a lot this semester which certainly made me a lot more stressed... I think they are going to have to pay someone next semester because I can't see myself surviving senior seminar like this. I haven't gotten to participate in a single club this past year because two or three nights a week, I am at his house. I sympathize with their plight, but I don't feel capable of being the solution. Plus, the fact that I am always there along with my intense school schedule means I don't get to work very often and so I have hardly any money... another stress factor.

I think I could be okay if I could just pass all my classes and come up with some free time. I know that next fall I am going to be more stressed than at any other time in my life and I don't want the entire next 8-9 months leading up to it to be bad, too.

The good news is I'm trying to be positive. And while I'm in pain this week, I am enjoying the time away from school and everyone. I just hope my jaws will work for Thanksgiving!

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Blogger.com is driving me crazy.

First off, my sister has updated her journal but I can't see it on my computer. If I go to work, I can see it on that computer (when I'm not supposed to be blogging) but not here... gah!

And now my French professor wants us to have a blog on this website to do our French journals. I created one with no problem, only now it won't let me sign into that one. Blah. Stupid technology.

School is crazy. I think I'm going to be pretty exhausted come December.

I didn't geta nything accomplished this weekend but it was pretty good. Got to have pie and drinks with my friend who just turned 22 Friday night, then did laundry and watched movies last night.

Tonight I get to go back to work... woooo. But it's okay, I could use the moolah.

Boring Angie signing off now.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

My color is not my soul

I leave for California on the 25th. I am super excited.


That's where I will be camping for three days. The group is going to be smaller than originally planned but it still will be fun. There will be two girls from Hollins, plus a bunch of kids from California and my best friend's parents, aunt, and cousins.

I had a great time on the west coast last summer and plan to have a good time this go round too, even though I will only be there for a week. I come back on August 2nd, in time for my coworker Katherine to go to a convention. She's so cute :-)

Work is boring. Even the formerly nice grad students are now too tired to be friendly. I feel pointless.


Last night I hung out with Corey and Kris like always, and had a pretty good time. We snuggled on her couch and watched the BBC version of Hitchhiker's Guide. Kris and I are debating the importance of Corey's health as we discover he only talks when he drinks alcohol... is it wrong to give him alcohol everytime we hang out, then? ;-)

Pirates was good, but everyone knows that by now.

I took the family minus Nette to dinner and they didn't enjoy it. *shrug* I tried.

I had to suffer through a biggot's rantings last Saturday night, and ended up upset for days over it. Actually, I've come across a lot of biggots lately. The good news is that a week will find me with someone who is not a prejudiced jerk, and we will play on the beach.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

back to the b.a.

So. I talked to the head of the education department and we worked it out that I can still graduate on time and get everything I need for certification. So I will graduate in the spring and then, in the fall, I'll come back to Hollins as a "special MALS" student... meaning I'll be in grad school but not seeking a degree, so that I can student teach. This is good news for several reasons:

1)I get to graduate with my friends (and a certain awful person can stop trying to hold it over me that I was going to graduate late)

2)Student teaching will be affordable, and

3)I can do grad school for something more interesting than education.

But now, I'm thinking that grad school can wait. I want to continue my education, but I also want to establish a life... maybe I can continue later on, and become one of those old ladies that I now have to show how to check their email. Woooooo.

Anyway, I'm working in the library all this weekend. So far it's quiet except for my coworker who is always loud... but as I told my wonderful Corey last night, I'm thinking I shoulda done Kroger again.

I call him wonderful because he gave me like a full minute hug last night and told me he loved hanging out with me. Yay! Sweet kid, even if he is a little short :-)

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Everything's easy now.

Tomorrow I find out if I want to go to grad school at Hollins or not. I'm not sure how I feel about Hollins for another three years. Can't continue the undergraduate education program, though. For one thing, I will never graduate. Second, they win: they beat me down and now I'm staying down... for now. Freaking jerks.

That being said, I'm noticing that the summer grad students here are jerks. Man, talk about snobs. Yeah you have your B.A. Congratulations. Now please get over yourself.

Working in the library is completely different as I basically just run errands for grad students until I can barely trudge back to my room at night. I told my boss that I need a shirt saying "I AM NOT COMPUTER SERVICES" because so many of the older grad students are computer illiterate. I sympathize with them, but I can't spend my entire shift tutoring them on microsoft. I also can't fix the printers and copiers. But the lucky jerks over at comp serv. leave at 4:30, leaving me 5 1/2 hours of fun time with the helpless patrons in the library.

And I'm sorry, but our online catalog is the simplest and most complete of any online catalog I have ever seen. Grrrr.

End rant... maybe.

The good news is that going to work at 2pm suits me wonderfully. Also, my supervisor is wonderful. Yay.

Sunday, June 11, 2006


It sucks when you find someone who gets you... and then they disappear. So you are left alone with your thoughts in a way that wasn't quite as painful before.

I watched five movies this weekend. I liked Emporer's New Groove the best.

Grandma's hugs are momentous occasions.

Also momentous: Russell and I agreeing on something important.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

i have become an old fogey

There isn't a lot to say now because my life is boring. I am 21, and now have no compelling urge to drink in excess. I had a beer (girly beer, I mean... Smirnoff strawberry) with Tracey the other day while playing Spongebob on Gamecube, and it was lowkey and awesome.

I work fulltime at a library. My boss is obsessed with occupation, as many are... Dude, sometimes there is nothing to do and that is okay. She is trying to devise all these projects for people to do when they are stuck at the desk. I think she needs to accept that 100% productivity is impossible.

Not to be lazy. I mean, dude, I worked my butt off this week. A lot of physical labor, too.

Now I'm a bit ill. Mom brought me home after she finished babysitting last night because I felt so awful and couldn't drive myself. I looked pitiful, a blanket wrapped over my pajamas with a basket of laundry at my side, hair all stringy and such.

A little less than two months until my first apartment. Mom loves one of my roommates and hates the other. Who could have seen that coming? *raises hand* They are pretty similar actually, except one is more outgoing... and black. *shockshock*

Maybe I'll tell Grandma that tomorrow :-D Tell her about a few other things while I'm at it? Better think of her heart...

Anyway. I think I'm gonna go to bed. Boring Old Angie.